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Brothers in Arms (1. Free Online. Release Date: 1. Duration: 9. 3 min. Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms is a 1. Universal Soldier.
Despite featuring the same characters as the original, the film features none of the original cast or crew. It was followed the same year by Universal Soldier III.. Show More.

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Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms is a 1. Universal Soldier. Despite featuring the same characters as the original, the film features none of the original cast or crew. Showtime Full Short Circuit 2 Online Free. It was followed the same year by Universal Soldier III: Unfinished Business. They were actually made as a miniseries meant for a potential TV series.
In 1. 99. 9, a theatrical sequel, once again starring Jean- Claude Van Damme, Universal Soldier: The Return was produced, which essentially ignored the plotline of the direct- to- video sequels entirely. Both the direct- to- video films are considered non- canonical since the plotline of both the films are ignored entirely in all the future films. Show Less.
Cast: Gary Busey, Desmond Campbell, Chandra West, Burt Reynolds, Aron Tager, Michael Copeman, Kevin Rushton, Andrew Jackson, Eric Bryson, Jeff Wincott, Matt Battaglia. Categories: Movies, Action, Adventure, Sci- Fi.