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MARIO STRONG: HOLLYWOOD BICEPSThrough the decades, Herculean physiques have entertained us on the silver screen. We have watched with amazement and awe as these larger than life box office heroes have used their super human strength to out muscle villains and conquer all that stood in their path. The film industry has inspired and motivated generations of moviegoers with the sheer determination and will to take up bodybuilding in hopes of creating physiques similar to these action stars. Here we present a few of the more notable actors who have captivated our imagination and given us a sense of invincibility through the magic of Hollywood. Some contents on this page were reproduced from Brian Walker’s Drive- In Theater. To learn more about your favorite drive in movies and B movie actors CLICK HEREJOHNNY WEISSMULLERA 5 time Olympic gold medalist in swimming, Johnny Weissmuller broke three records at the 1. Olympics in Paris, and was the world's greatest swimmer after turning professional. Born on June 2, 1. Timisoara, Romania he is best known for his role as Tarzan (1. Tarzans existed before and after Johnny, none were as popular with the movie- going public. Tall and handsome, Johnny was the perfect star of the Depression era, when people needed a hero to look towards for encouragement.
With his charm and talent Johnny Weissmuller would remain an American favorite for many more years to come. BURT LANCASTERBurton Stephen "Burt" Lancaster (born November 2, 1. American film actor noted for his athletic physique and distinctive smile (which he called "The Grin"). Later he took roles that went against his initial "tough guy" image. In the late 1. 95. Lancaster abandoned his "all- American" image and came to be regarded as one of the best actors of his generation. Lancaster was nominated four times for Academy Awards and won once — for his work in Elmer Gantry in 1.

He also won a Golden Globe for that performance and BAFTA Awards for The Birdman of Alcatraz (1. Atlantic City (1. His production company, Hecht- Hill- Lancaster, was the most successful and innovative star- driven independent production company in Hollywood of the 1. Marty (1. 95. 5), Trapeze (1. Sweet Smell of Success (1. Lancaster also directed two films: The Kentuckian (1. The Midnight Man (1.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. En CineOnLine tendrás las mejores películas online en casa a través de Internet, al momento, gratis, sin publicidad y sin necesidad de descargártelas a la hora. Scroll down and click to choose episode/server you want to watch. Mario Strong's look at some of the Hollywood muscle builders that have entertained us on the silver screen. Classic movie site with rare images (no web grabs!), original ads, and behind-the-scenes photos, with informative and insightful commentary. We like to have fun with.
During World War II, Lancaster joined the United States Army and performed with the Army's Twenty- First Special Services Division (one of the military groups organized to follow the troops on the ground and provide USO entertainment to keep up morale). He served with General Mark Clark's Fifth Army in Italy from 1. SAMUEL BERGBorn on April 6, 1. Montreal, Canada, Samuel Berg went from being a local wrestler and muscleman to screen stardom in both Hollywood and Italy with films such as The Three Stooges Meet Hercules (1. Vengeance of Ursus (1. Burke is one of the larger sword and sandal actors, standing 6'4" and weighing 2. A former bodybuilder, Burke once came in third for the title of Mr.
Muscle Beach in 1. He was a professional wrestler who narrowly lost the world title four times.
This is the OLD TIME MOVIE section. We start off on this page with OLD TIME MOVIES WORLDWIDE then at the top, above the great Lucille Balls head you will see the grey. Directed by Don Siegel. With Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Jack Thibeau. Alcatraz is the most secure prison of its time. It is believed that no.
BRAD HARRISBrad Harris was born in St. Anthony, Idaho, on July 1. His film debut was Monkey on My Back in 1.
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He would later move to Italy to star in such films as, The Fury of Hercules (1. Goliath against the Giants (1. Spy Today, Die Tomorrow. Brad Harris has served as actor, screenwriter, and producer for a number of films during his career. Harris has also headed his own production company, Three Star Films, including distribution and foreign sales in Rome, Italy.
In addition, he has acted as creative consultant for various German film companies. GORDON SCOTTGordon Scott was born Gordon Weschkul in Portland, Oregon on August 3, 1.
In 1. 95. 3, while working as a Las Vegas lifeguard, he was spotted by a pair of Hollywood agents who introduced him and his muscular biceps to Sol Lesser, who had already conducted 2. Tarzan. The producer gave him a seven- year contract and a new last name. His three MGM Tarzan’s were run- of- the mill, but his two for Sy Weintraub, through Paramount, marked a rebirth of the Tarzan character.
The movies were well received and helped Scott move on to a number of Italian strongman spectaculars and spaghetti westerns. In 1. 96. 1 Scott became a European sensation when he took Steve Reeves advice and moved to Italy to co- star with Steve in the gladiator epic Duel of the Titans. SEAN CONNERYThomas Sean Connery was born on August 2. Fountainbridge, Edinburgh. He is a Scottish actor and producer who has won an Academy Award, two BAFTA Awards (one of them being a BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award) and three Golden Globes.
Connery is best- known for portraying the character James Bond, starring in seven Bond films between 1. EON productions films and the non- official Kevin Mc. Clory- helmed Thunderball remake, Never Say Never Again). In 1. 98. 8, Connery won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Untouchables. His film career also includes such films as Marine. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Hunt for Red October, Highlander, Murder on the Orient Express, Drangonheart, and The Rock.
Connery has been polled as "The Greatest Living Scot.” He was knighted in July 2. In 1. 98. 9, he was proclaimed "Sexiest Man Alive" by People magazine, and in 1.
Sexiest Man of the Century." In tribute a bronze bust sculpture of Connery was placed in the capital city of Estonia. KIRK MORRISBorn Adriano Bellini in Venice, Italy, in 1. Kirk "Kirky" Morris worked as a gondolier in his native city beginning in his teens. Spotted for films by an Italian producer, Morris went to Rome in 1. Throughout his career which lasted about ten years, Kirk Morris starred in a number of sword and sandal films, such as Colossus and the Headhunters, which Mystery Science Theater 3. His Wedding Night Full Movie In English more. FR-EE Money Shot Full Movie.
One of Morris's best films is the unusual The Witch's Curse (1. He portrayed Hercules at least three times on screen, most notably in 1. Hercules, Samson, and Ulysses with also features Richard Lloyd as Samson. After the peplum craze died out in the mid 1. Morris's acting career began to slide. He made fewer films after 1. ALAN STEELAlan Steel was born Sergio Ciani in Rome, Italy, on September 7, 1.
While many Hercules actors were American bodybuilders, the handsome Steel began his acting career as a stand- in for Steve Reeves and later played second banana to such sword and sandal actors as Brad Harris. However, by 1. 96. Steel was starring in such peplums as Hercules Against Rome (1. Another starring vehicle for Steel, Hercules Against the Moon Men (1.
Reg Park's Hercules in the Haunted World (1. Christopher Lee) and Gordon Mitchell's The Giant of Metropolis (1. Today, the big claim to fame for Hercules Against the Moon Men is that the film was featured in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3.
GORDON MITCHELLGordon Mitchell was born Charles Pendleton on July 2. Denver, Colorado. Upon his parents' divorce, his mother packed up the family and moved to Inglewood, California, where Mitchell spent his youth.
He was called to duty during World War II and, unfortunately, became a prisoner of war. When he was released after the war, he completed college studies in anatomy, biology, and physiology. He used his degree to become a high school teacher who, among other things, taught handicapped students and juvenile delinquents. According to Mitchell, "I was given all the rough kids because of my physique.