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Housing Affordability Index - Traditional. Model MLS Rules/Materials. California Model MLS Rules, Issues Briefing Papers, and other articles and materials related to MLS policy. Code of Ethics Violators. Summaries and photos of California REALTORS® who violated the Code of Ethics and were disciplined with a fine, letter of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion. Statewide MLS Initiative. An explanation of C.
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A. R.'s position on MLS consolidations in general and a statewide MLS in particular. NAR Code of Ethics. Watch Chat Streaming. The most recent edition of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of REALTORS®.

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Professional Standards Materials. The California Professional Standards Reference Manual, Local Association Forms, Interboard Arbitration Rules, and other materials related to Code of Ethics enforcement and arbitration. Housing Market Forecast.
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Following modest gains in home sales in 2. California’s housing market will post a nominal increase in 2.
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Housing Matters Podcast. The all- new Housing Matters Podcast is your housing hub for market analysis, economic trends, and housing news. Stay Connected. Stay connected with the latest releases by subscribing to the products and services that interest you. Cradle 2 The Grave Full Movie. Interactive Market Stats. Gain insights on California's housing market through interactive dashboards. Select your metrics and see where the data takes you. Speeches & Presentations.
From outreaches to webinars, the Research and Economics team is sharing their insight on the market and the economy. Surveys & Highlights. Californians are surveyed annually to gain insights on the housing market from their persepective.