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Halloween All October Long on TCM: 2. Wonder Alliance. The great Christopher Lee as Count Dracula, TCM's Monster of the MonthTurner Classic Movies’ annual celebration of horror is appointment TV for monster lovers. YOU’LL WANT TO clear some space on your DVR as October approaches, because Turner Classic Movies has gathered over 8.
Frankenstein's Monster (Character) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Frankenstein is a 1931 American pre-Code horror monster film from Universal Pictures directed by James Whale and adapted from the play by Peggy Webling (which in turn. Mummy 14 oz. Geeki Tiki Mug - Beeline Creative - Monsters - Mugs - Those delightful, frightful monsters are going Tiki! This creative and colorful drinkware combines. Directed by Stephen Sommers. With Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo. The mummified body of Imhotep is shipped to a museum in London, where he.
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Halloween festival of fear! There are plenty of classics, of course, but also obscurities, some international titles, and few surprises as well, all carefully curated and programmed film- festival style. And if you notice an over abundance of capes and fangs in the lineup, that’s because TCM’s Monster of the Month is Dracula! Here’s a handy calendar of this year’s movies.
All times are Eastern. Check TCM. com for more information and specific air times in your time zone. Sunday, October 1. Introducing TCM’s Monster of the Month, Count Dracula!

Yo-Kai Watch: Yo-Kai Watch is a series of role-playing video games developed and published by Level-5. Manga adaptations, an anime television series, and an animated.

SUNDAYS IN OCTOBER are set aside for the most mysterious of all the classic monsters, Dracula. He’s the undisputed king of vampires—dashing, yet diabolical, and you can always “count” on him for a scary good time.
TCM kicks- off the month with Bela Lugosi‘s legendary performance in the role, followed by two lesser- known films featuring Gloria Holden and Lon Chaney, Jr. Holden is terrific in her turn as Countess Zaleska (Dracula’s Daughter), and of the two movies, hers is the more direct sequel to Dracula, featuring the return of Edward Van Sloan as Van Helsing. Son of Dracula is most notable for its unusual setting. Far from the castles of Europe, it takes place in a Louisiana swamp! Dracula (above; 1. PMDracula’s Daughter (1.

PMSon of Dracula (1. PMAFTER THAT it’s director F. W. Murnau‘s silent adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a chilling masterpiece that remains one of the outstanding productions of early cinema. Nosferatu (1. 92. AMTuesday, October 3. Universal Horror. IT WOULDN’T BE HALLOWEEN without Universal’s icons of fright, and here you can catch most of ’em in one glorious night. Interestingly, Island of Lost Souls didn’t start out as a Universal picture.
It was a Paramount production. But in 1. 95. 8 it was sold to Universal, where it could finally take its rightful place among the first family of horror classics. Frankenstein (1. 93. PMBride of Frankenstein (1. PMThe Mummy (1. 93. PMThe Wolf Man (1. AMIsland of Lost Souls (1.
AMThe Black Cat (1. AMThe Invisible Man (1. AMSunday, October 8. Vampires, Sleepwalkers, and Japanese Ghosts. DRACULA gets up to all sorts of trouble in this triple feature—taking- up residence in California (The Return of Dracula); facing- off against Frankenstein, Wolf Man and a mad scientist (House of Dracula); and even taking- on a famous gunfighter (Billy the Kid Vs.
Dracula)! That last title goes a long way in capturing the drive- in free- for- all that was the 1. Westerns were still very popular then, as were monster pictures. So it’s easy to understand how an enterprising producer might get the idea that if he pitted the king of vampires against one of the West’s most famous outlaws, kids everywhere would pay good money to see the fight. Case in point, the film’s producer, Carroll Case, gave us Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter the same year!
The Return of Dracula (1. PMHouse of Dracula (1. PMBilly the Kid Vs.
Dracula (1. 96. 6) 1. PMLATER THAT NIGHT, you can feast your eyes on the greatest expressionist horror film ever made, the unforgettable story of a crazed hypnotist (Werner Krauss) who uses a sleepwalker (Conrad Veidt) to commit murders. Afterward, spend the wee hours with a pair of classic Japanese ghost stories. The Cabinet of Dr.
Caligari (1. 92. 0; silent) 1. AMJigoku (1. 96. 0) 2 AMTokaido Yotsuya Kaidan (1. AMTuesday, October 1. A Night With Val Lewton.
THE NAMEVal Lewton has come to be regarded as a film genre unto itself. An intellectual with refined tastes, he was handed control of RKO Pictures’ horror unit in 1.
Stuck with what he considered to be lowbrow material, Lewton nevertheless turned those titles into some of the most stunning, literate horror pictures anybody had ever seen—with bold vision and a big assist from such brilliant directors as Jacques Tourneur, Mark Robson, and Robert Wise. Make your way through this collection and you’ll never again judge a film by its title. I especially recommend the brilliant documentary on Lewton narrated by Martin Scorsese. Cat People (1. 94. PMThe. Body Snatcher (1. Hollywoodland Full Movie Part 1. PMMartin Scorsese Presents, Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows (2.
PMI Walked With a Zombie (above; 1. AMThe Seventh Victim (1. Watch Starry Eyes Online Free HD more. AMBedlam (1. 94. 6) 3: 3. AMThe Leopard Man (1. AMWednesday, October 1. Early- Morning Lewton. THE FUN continues into the following day with two additional Lewton classics, the second of which is one of the most haunting films I’ve ever seen.
Seriously, the great Boris Karloff has never been better. The Ghost Ship (1.
AMIsle of the Dead (1. AMFriday, October 1.
Horror Kids. A FULL DAY of classic horror, sci- fi, and suspense featuring children as villains, victims, or something in- between. From a race of super children who can kill with their minds (above), to a Bad. Seed who’ll kill with whatever’s available, it’s an outstanding lineup of juvenile delinquency. However Curse of the Cat People is the best of the bunch, a moving, fairy tale- like story featuring an outstanding performance by young Ann Carter as a lonely little girl befriended by a ghost. Another gem from producer Val Lewton. Kiss of the Tarantula (1.
AMSnake Woman (1. AMVillage of the Damned (1. AMThe Nanny (1. 96. AMThe Innocents (1. PMA Place of One’s Own (1. PMThe Bad Seed (1.
PMThe Curse of the Cat People (1. PMSaturday, October 1. Blacula Double Feature. BLACULA may well be the most misunderstood and under- appreciated vampire movie ever made. But only by those who haven’t seen it. For that you can blame silly marketing, and the film’s exploitation title, neither of which really capture just how grindhouse- effective the movie is.
Built around a commanding performance by William Marshall in the title role, Blacula is an unforgettable, even scary, depiction of what it might be like if an old- world vampire were loosed upon a modern city. Judge for yourself as TCM presents Blacula and its sequel in a late- night double feature. Blacula (1. 97. 2) 2: 1. AMScream, Blacula, Scream (1. AMSunday, October 1. Dracula and His Brides.
WHILE Bela Lugosi remains the screen’s most iconic Dracula, Christopher Lee is easily in the number- two spot. And it all began with Horror of Dracula, a fantastic re- telling of Bram Stoker’s original novel that established England’s Hammer Films as the dominant producer of classic horror for years to come. The Brides of Dracula (above) is part of that legacy—a haunting departure from form in that it eschews Drac to instead focus on the undead monsters he leaves in his wake. Peter Cushing appears in both films as vampire- hunter Van Helsing. Horror of Dracula (1. PMThe Brides of Dracula (above; 1. PMIF YOU like your vampires with a side order of ghost, stay tuned to TCM later that night for The Phantom Carriage, a Swedish spookfest that does for New Year’s Eve what Scrooge did for Christmas.
The Phantom Carriage (silent; 1. AMMonday, October 1. Chaney Is Electrifying. IF YOU WATCHED creature features back in the ’7.
Jack Pollexfen. The writer and director (The Man from Planet X; Daughter of Dr. Jekyll) had a hand in many of the lower- grade monster epics that made Saturday our favorite day of the week. But this was his crowning achievement in my book, the lurid tale of an executed killer who’s brought back to life by science and goes on a wild revenge spree against all who’ve done him wrong. It’s cheap, choppy, and downright weird, but it stars Lon Chaney, Jr. The Indestructible Man (1.
PMTuesday, October 1. More Great Hammer Horror. JUST LOOK AT those three faces above and tell me you’re not already making plans to be home on the night of October 1. As I stated earlier, Hammer Films was the dominant producer of classic horror films from the late ’5.