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Big. 3 Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Champions Basketball League. The Champions Basketball League, an independent pro league that has repeatedlyfailed to start its inaugural season after taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment from regular fans, sued Ice Cube’s Big. Today, the Big. 3 filed a counter defamation suit against the CBL. Watch Post Impact Online Free 2016 there. In its lawsuit, the CBL claimed that it was defrauded by the Big. Watch The Dream Factory Online Facebook.
CBL games, thus preventing the CBL from starting its season on time. Today’s countersuit claims that allegation is false, and that the CBL has defamed the Big. From the suit: The suit also labels Champions League CEO Carl George a “serial con- artist,” citing alleged incidents in which he misrepresented the Champions League to potential investors. One example: You can read the entire suit below.
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