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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia Wiki. The following article, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, uses partial or complete Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia. Information can be remixed or replaced at any time in future edits. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Developer(s)Ubisoft Montreal. Pipeworks Studios.
Gameloft. Publisher(s)Ubisoft. Gameloft. Sony Computer Entertainment. Distributor(s)Sony Computer Entertainment. Designer(s)Kevin Guillemette.
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Writer(s)Corey G. May. Michael Wendschuh. Artist(s)Mikel Labat.
Composer(s)Inon Zur. Godsmack. Director(s)Jean- Christophe Guyot. Series. The Sands of Time Trilogy. Engine. Jade Engine. Version. Play. Station Portable.
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Play. Station 2 and PC Collection. Play. Station 3 (HD Collection)Platform(s)Release date(s)Play. Station 2. JP October 1. Watch Oddball Online Free 2016 on this page. NA November 3. 0, 2.
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PAL December 0. 8, 2. UK December 4, 2. Click "expand" for full list. Play. Station Portable. Play. Station 3. NA April 1. PAL December 1. 6, 2.
Xbox. JP October 1. NA November 3. 0, 2. PAL December 2, 2. UK December 3, 2. Game. Cube. NA November 3. PAL December 3, 2. Windows. NA November 3.
WW November 2. 1, 2. UK December 3, 2. Padi. Phone. Genre(s)Action- adventurepuzzle- platformer, hack and slash.
Mode(s)Single- player. Media. Previous game (release)Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Next game (release)Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. Previous game (canon)Battles of Prince of Persia. Next game (canon)Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is a third- person action- adventure puzzle- platforming video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and released in North America November 2. It was published by Ubisoft in western territories and Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is, chronologically the second game in The Sands of Time Trilogy. Canonically, Warrior Within continues the story of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and Battles of Prince of Persia.
Seven years after the events of The Sands of Time, The Prince has been hunted a creature of fate, known as the Dahaka, a timeline guardian who attempts to kill the Prince for unleashing the Sands of Time to restore order. The Prince travels to the Island of Time to prevent their creation and alter his fate once again. Announced in Spring of 2.
Warrior Within was released across Play. Station 2, Xbox, Game. Cube, Play. Station Portable and Microsoft Windows between November and December of that year. Two mobile phone games were developed and published in North America by Gameloft in 2. Warrior Within received positive reviews for its revamped gameplay upon release from major gaming websites and saw increased sales, but failed to critical expectations and was panned for its darker tone, violence and depiction of its female characters.[1]The success of Warrior Within led to the sequel, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, the end of The Sands of Time Trilogy. In 2. 00. 5 and 2.
Ubisoft Montreal produced two midquels to The Sands of Time and Warrior Within: Battles of Prince of Persia (December 6, 2. Nintendo DS and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (May 1. On November 2. 01. April 2. 01. 1, Warrior Within was included in the Play.
Station exclusive HD Collection for The Sands of Time Trilogy. Plot. Official Description"The Old Man said to the Prince, "Your fate has been written. You will die." Enter the dark underworld of Prince of Persia 2, the sword- slashing sequel to the critically acclaimed Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Hunted by Dahaka, an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution, the Prince embarks upon a path of both carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death. His journey leads to the infernal core of a cursed island stronghold harboring mankind's greatest fears. Only through grim resolve, bitter defiance and the mastery of deadly new combat arts can the Prince rise to a new level of warriorship - and emerge from this ultimate trial with his life.". Official Description[2]Characters.
Prince - The protagonist of The Sands of Time Trilogy, the Prince is desperate to save himself from his fated death and travels to the Island of Time to prevent his end at the hands of the Dahaka. Dahaka - The guardian of the timeline, the Dahaka seeks to kill the Prince to restore the order disrupted by his survival following the recapture of the Sands of Time. Kaileena - A by product of the Gods's creation of time, The "Empress of Time" is the "creator" of the Sands of Time. Also fated to die, she plots to kill the Prince before he can kill her.
Shahdee - The Empress' servant, Shahdee tries to kill the Prince before he can reach the Island of Time. Summary. The Island of Time. When the Prince was tricked into opening the Hourglass of Time, he released the Sands of Time on the world. He paid the ultimate price, losing his father and his lover, Farah, in the process of trying to recapture the Sands in the hourglass. Though he was able to undo what he had done, he was "supposed to die" as a result. Because he survived his ordeal, he was hunted by the Dahaka, a creature created by the Gods, that guarded the order of the timeline. In the Prince's efforts to trap the Dahaka, his mentor, Darius, and his mother, Mehri, were killed.[3]Seven years into his conflict with the Dahaka, the Prince seeks counsel from an old wise man.
The Prince learns of the existence of the Island, but its location is nearly impossible to find. Thinking only of his survival, the Prince sets sail for the Island to prevent the Sands of Time from ever being created, under the belief that the Dahaka will have no reason to hunt him if he does so. During the journey, his ship is intercepted and destroyed by Shahdee, a servant of the Empress of Time. Accompanied by a pack of Raiders, the Prince's men are killed and he is summarily defeated by Shahdee. Lost in the shipwreck, and he finds himself alone on the island.
He picks a wooden stick from the wreckage of a boat to defend himself against some crows. He swears to kill Shahdee for what she has done to him and his crew. The Prince eventually finds his way to the Fortress of Time.
Shahdee tries to kill the Prince, but the Prince repels her by knocking her to the ground. After a fight with several opponents, he obtains the Spider Sword and begins chasing Shahdee through the Island until they reach a Time Portal. She goes through a Time Portal, and the Prince follows her into the Past. Continuing his pursuit, he finds Shahdee trying to murder a woman in red. The Prince engages Shahdee once more in battle and kills her.
The woman introduces herself as Kaileena, another servant of the Empress of Time. Denied an audience with the Empress of Time to state his case, the Prince is then faced with the task of activating two towers that will open the doors to the empress' throne room. Kaileena aids the Prince by presenting to him the Serpent Sword, which will activate the bridges to reach both towers. He eventually obtains the Lion Sword, an even more powerful weapon than the previous.
As the Prince explores the island, he occasionally encounters a mysterious creature known as the Sand Wraith. Additionally, he is pursued by the Dahaka, who has followed him to the Island of Time. Shortly before reaching the throne room, the Dahaka attacks the Prince and almost killed, but the Sand Wraith is killed in his place.
The Dahaka then leaves without attacking the Prince, much to his confusion.